BYRNE'S TENNIS COMPLEX, WATERLOO, IA
                                                                                  MAY 25 & 26, 2007
Friday, May 25 Results
Singles First Round Scores
Elliot Rausa, 12, Columbus Catholic, #1 seed DEF. Tom Leiferman, 11, Atlantic 6-2, 6-0
Chris Buckingham, 11, Waverly-Shell Rock DEF. Jesse Wineland, 11, Pella 6-2, 6-2
Ti Liptak, 11, Maharishi, Fairfield DEF. Dallas Boisen, 12, Spencer 6-2, 6-1
Sean Mathison, 10, Xavier, Cedar Rapids, #4 seed DEF. Michael McGonegle, 10, Norwalk 6-2, 6-1
Johannes Gottschlich, 12, Fairfield, #3 seed DEF. Nick Ratchford, 12, Columbus Catholic, Waterloo 6-0, 6-1
Brad Burgus, 11, Clarke/Murray DEF. Kyle Koth, 11, LeMars 6-4, 6-1
Peter Wright, 11, Wahlert, Dubuque DEF. Cody Petersen, 11, Harlan 6-1, 6-1
Colin Boswell, 12, Pella, #2 seed DEF. Paul Leonard, 11, Independence 6-2, 6-3
Singles Second Round Scores
Elliot Rausa, 12, Columbus Catholic, #1 seed DEF. Chris Buckingham, 11, Waverly-Shell Rock 6-2, 6-1
Sean Mathison, 10, Xavier, Cedar Rapids, #4 seed DEF. Ti Liptak, 11, Maharishi, Fairfield 6-1, 6-1
Johannes Gottschlich, 12, Fairfield, #3 seed DEF. Brad Burgus, 11, Clarke/Murray 6-2, 6-0
Peter Wright, 11, Wahlert, Dubuque DEF. Colin Boswell, 12, Pella, #2 seed 6-2, 6-0
Singles Consolation First Round Scores
Nick Ratchford, 12, Columbus Catholic, Waterloo DEF. Kyle Koth, 11, LeMars 4-6, 7-5, 6-2
Paul Leonard, 11, Independence DEF. Cody Petersen, 11, Harlan 6-2, 6-2
Jesse Wineland, 11, Pella DEF. Tom Leiferman, 11, Atlantic 6-0, 6-0
Dallas Boisen, 12, Spencer DEF. Michael McGonegle, 10, Norwalk 6-1, 6-1
Singles Consolation Second Round Scores
Chris Buckingham, 11, Waverly-Shell Rock DEF. Nick Ratchford, 12, Columbus Catholic, Waterloo 6-0, 6-2
Ti Liptak, 11, Maharishi, Fairfield DEF. Paul Leonard, 11, Independence 6-4, 6-4
Brad Burgus, 11, Clarke/Murray DEF. Jesse Wineland, 11, Pella 6-3, 6-7 (9-7), 6-4
Colin Boswell, 12, Pella, #2 seed DEF. Dallas Boisen, 12, Spencer 6-2, 6-0
Doubles First Round Scores
Wahlert, Dubuque - Tripp Ott, 12 & Brooks Bertsch, 11, #1 seed DEF. Maharishi, Fairfield - Owen Blake, 11 and Cooper Rose, 12 6-2, 6-1
Knoxville - Scott Gray, 12 & Andrew Creary, 12 DEF. Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Brett Watkins, 11 & Casey Goerdt, 10 6-4, 6-1
Red Oak - Beau Browning, 10 & Travis Nelson, 12 DEF. Norwalk - Scott Simmons, 12 & Cory Seidl, 12 6-1, 6-0
Decorah - Alex Spilde, 12 & Jared Rude, 12, #4 seed DEF. Spirit Lake-Okoboji - Jake Shell, 12 & Scott Maudlin, 11 6-3, 6-2
Maharishi, Fairfield - Devon Jarvis, 12 & Mehul Kar, 12, #3 seed DEF. Independence - Justin Leonard, 12 & Hyder Chowdhry, 9 6-2, 7-5
Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Joe Nora, 11 & Jim Nora, 9 DEF. Pella - Bryn Boswell, 10 & Robb Way, 11 6-1, 6-1
Norwalk - Noah Saunders, 12 & Josh Simmerman, 12 DEF. Clarinda - Jeff Williams, 10 & Kale Manuel, 12 6-1, 6-3
Wahlert, Dubuque - Matt Runde, 12 & Carter Giese, 10 DEF. Spencer - Zach Plagman, 12 & Chris Lensing, 11, #2 seed 6-4, 3-6, 6-0
Doubles Second Round Scores
Wahlert, Dubuque - Tripp Ott, 12 & Brooks Bertsch, 11, #1 seed DEF. Knoxville - Scott Gray, 12 & Andrew Creary, 12 6-0, 6-0
Decorah - Alex Spilde, 12 & Jared Rude, 12, #4 seed DEF. Red Oak - Beau Browning, 10 & Travis Nelson, 12 6-2, 7-6
Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Joe Nora, 11 & Jim Nora, 9 DEF. Maharishi, Fairfield - Devon Jarvis, 12 & Mehul Kar, 12, #3 seed 6-1, 7-5
Wahlert, Dubuque - Matt Runde, 12 & Carter Giese, 10 DEF. Norwalk - Noah Saunders, 12 & Josh Simmerman, 12 6-2, 4-6, 6-3
Doubles Consolation First Round Scores
Pella - Bryn Boswell, 10 & Robb Way, 11 DEF. Independence - Justin Leonard, 12 & Hyder Chowdhry, 9 2-6, 7-6 (7-4), 6-2
Clarinda - Jeff Williams, 10 & Kale Manuel, 12 DEF. Spencer - Zach Plagman, 12 & Chris Lensing, 11, #2 seed 6-7(7-2), 7-6(7-2), 6-4
Maharishi, Fairfield - Owen Blake, 11 and Cooper Rose, 12 DEF. Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Brett Watkins, 11 & Casey Goerdt, 10 6-1, 7-5
Spirit Lake-Okoboji - Jake Shell, 12 & Scott Maudlin, 11 DEF. Norwalk - Scott Simmons, 12 & Cory Seidl, 12 6-3, 6-3
Doubles Consolation Second Round Scores
Pella - Bryn Boswell, 10 & Robb Way, 11 DEF. Knoxville - Scott Gray, 12 & Andrew Creary, 12 6-3, 6-3
Red Oak - Beau Browning, 10 & Travis Nelson, 12 DEF. Clarinda - Jeff Williams, 10 & Kale Manuel, 12 7-5, 6-4
Maharishi, Fairfield - Devon Jarvis, 12 & Mehul Kar, 12, #3 seed DEF. Maharishi, Fairfield - Owen Blake, 11 and Cooper Rose, 12 6-1, 6-2
Norwalk - Noah Saunders, 12 & Josh Simmerman, 12 DEF. Spirit Lake-Okoboji - Jake Shell, 12 & Scott Maudlin, 11 6-4, 4-6, 6-3
Saturday, May 26 Results
Singles Semifinal Round Scores
Sean Mathison, 10, Xavier, Cedar Rapids, #4 seed DEF. Elliot Rausa, 12, Columbus Catholic, #1 seed 6-3, 6-4
Johannes Gottschlich, 12, Fairfield, #3 seed DEF. Peter Wright, 11, Wahlert, Dubuque 6-0, 6-4
Singles Consolation Semifinal Round Scores
Ti Liptak, 11, Maharishi, Fairfield DEF. Chris Buckingham, 11, Waverly-Shell Rock 7-5, 6-7, 6-3
Colin Boswell, 12, Pella, #2 seed DEF. Brad Burgus, 11, Clarke/Murray 6-0, 6-3
Singles Championship Scores
Johannes Gottschlich, 12, Fairfield, #3 seed DEF. Sean Mathison, 10, Xavier, Cedar Rapids, #4 seed 6-2, 6-3
Singles 3rd Place Scores
Elliot Rausa, 12, Columbus Catholic, #1 seed DEF. Peter Wright, 11, Wahlert, Dubuque 7-6 (7-3), 2-6, 6-1
Singles Consolation Championship (5th place) Scores
Colin Boswell, 12, Pella, #2 seed DEF. Ti Liptak, 11, Maharishi, Fairfield 6-4, 6-1
Singles 7th Place Scores
Chris Buckingham, 11, Waverly-Shell Rock DEF. Brad Burgus, 11, Clarke/Murray 7-5, 6-2
Doubles Semifinal Round Scores
Wahlert, Dubuque - Tripp Ott, 12 & Brooks Bertsch, 11, #1 seed DEF. Decorah - Alex Spilde, 12 & Jared Rude, 12, #4 seed 6-0, 6-4
Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Joe Nora, 11 & Jim Nora, 9 DEF. Wahlert, Dubuque - Matt Runde, 12 & Carter Giese, 10 6-3, 2-6, 6-3
Doubles Consolation Semifinal Round Scores
Red Oak - Beau Browning, 10 & Travis Nelson, 12 DEF. Pella - Bryn Boswell, 10 & Robb Way, 11 6-2, 6-2
Maharishi, Fairfield - Devon Jarvis, 12 & Mehul Kar, 12, #3 seed DEF. Norwalk - Noah Saunders, 12 & Josh Simmerman, 12 7-6 (7-5), 6-4
Doubles Championship Scores
Columbus Catholic, Waterloo - Joe Nora, 11 & Jim Nora, 9 DEF. Wahlert, Dubuque - Tripp Ott, 12 & Brooks Bertsch, 11, #1 seed 3-6, 6-3, 7-5
Doubles 3rd Place Scores
Wahlert, Dubuque - Matt Runde, 12 & Carter Giese, 10 DEF. Decorah - Alex Spilde, 12 & Jared Rude, 12, #4 seed 3-6, 7-5, 6-4
Doubles Consolation Championship (5th Place) Scores
Maharishi, Fairfield - Devon Jarvis, 12 & Mehul Kar, 12, #3 seed DEF. Red Oak - Beau Browning, 10 & Travis Nelson, 12 5-7, 6-2, 6-2
Doubles 7th Place Scores
Norwalk - Noah Saunders, 12 & Josh Simmerman, 12 DEF. Pella - Bryn Boswell, 10 & Robb Way, 11 6-4, 6-2